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This is an ontology for computing systems, their origins, their creators and their relations with other such systems. It was created to support the ongoing maintenance requirements of the Bushy Tree Diagram created by John Redant, Bruce Damer and others: which was inspired by 'The Xerox "Star": A Retrospective'
computing_systems_wardrobe, computing_systems_data,
nooron_app_ontology, nooron_app_component, :KB, :THING,
computing_systems_class This is a bookkeeping class needed by the Nooron App Architecture.
computing_systems_app A computing systems app contains individual instances of the ComputingSystems class and/or institutions and people associated with them..
Person You know, a PERSON! When this gets more involved lets put it in the people_ontology.
Institution Institutions are any kind of organization, including businesses, governments, non-profits and so on.
ComputingSystem Computing Systems are either Software Systems or Hardware Systems.
SoftwareSystem Software Systems are thought of as being capable of running on one or more Hardware Systems.
HardwareSystem Hardware Systems should really have a slot on them called Ran which is the inverse of RanOn.
ReleasedInYear ['ComputingSystem'] This is the year in which the product was released.
CommencedInYear ['ComputingSystem'] This is the year in which development commenced.
ProductOf ['ComputingSystem'] This is the institution (or person) which created the software.
InfluencedBy ['ComputingSystem'] This is a list of computing systems which influenced the design of this one.
DescendedFrom ['ComputingSystem'] This is a list of computing systems from which this one is directly descended.
DesignedBy ['ComputingSystem'] These are the designers of the system.
ProgrammedBy ['ComputingSystem'] These are the programmers of the system.
RanOn ['SoftwareSystem'] These are the hardware platforms upon which the computing system ran.
PrimaryURL ['ComputingSystem'] This is the URL to present as a standin for the subject.
root_classes_of_app []  

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